This arose following my picking of a card from Brave Voices cards. The card I picked (eyes closed) was 'Journey'. I then eagerly sought out the corresponding invitation (overleaf) from the Choir of Brave Voices Recreational Journal.
I read this and was fascinated by the idea of dividing my life into 5 periods. And then shopping in each period for the resources that may have emerged for me!
I then let all this sit with me for a couple of days, until I had time to play with journey's invitation
So, on a Saturday afternoon I sat down with some coloured pens and drew my lifeline (As can be seen from my drawing, I got my arithmetic a little askew initially!)
I then named each of the five periods.
It surprised me how quickly and intuitively these names arrived. With equivalent ease and flow, I named the resources that emerged for me in each period. I then collected these in ‘my basket And decided to bring forward all of them into my future.
The result of this exercise for me is a new and rich awareness of the gifts and resources that I have from my life experiences! I have also been surprised as to how the fun and play of the party theme made it all seem so easy.