Hello Gillian,
Here’s a tale…
When you first asked for volunteers to play with ‘Re-creation’, I made a start with a ‘Tomorrow’ Magic Party Activity and headed off on a walk with my phone – I took pictures from up, down, close up etc. and saved them to my laptop, intending to go back and explore my images….
Several months later, I remembered and returned to them – and decided to get close up… I put what I found in a PP presentation - (this seemed a good way to get creative, as the photos were already uploaded) I’ve saved it as a PowerPoint show- see below…
For me, there is beauty in the detailed images in the photos that my naked eye may miss if I am distracted by the wider picture. Sitting at my desk and relooking at the experience through a zoom lens was a reminder to ‘future reflect’ – anticipate the detail I may wish to consider later and pay more attention to it in the moment….
(PS- just noticed that my first paragraph describes a task I set out to complete – perhaps if, at the time, I had thought more about the Why, rather than the How or What, I would have got something much more from the experience and come back to reflect on the photos sooner…. Duh!! :))